El aeropuerto de Múnich reporta un beneficio neto de 2018 millones de euros en 150


Munich Airport reported a successful 2018 operating year at its annual press conference in Munich today: The 3.8 percent increase in traffic to a total of 46.3 million passengers flying to and from Munich, and the resulting gains in aviation and non-aviation revenues had a decisive impact on the increase in Group sales, which –…

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  • 3 million passengers flying to and from Munich, and the resulting gains in aviation and non-aviation revenues had a decisive impact on the increase in Group sales, which –….
  • 8 percent increase in traffic to a total of 46.
  • Munich Airport reported a successful 2018 operating year at its annual press conference in Munich today.


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Editor jefe de asignaciones

El editor jefe de asignaciones es Oleg Siziakov

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