Se convierte en ley la prohibición de los protectores solares de las Islas Vírgenes de los EE.

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US Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan Jr. recently made history with the signing of Act 8185, banning the importation, sale and distribution of sunscreen containing the “toxic 3 Os” of oxybenzone, octinoxate and octocrylene in the territory, protecting coral, marine life and human health. The legislation, which passed unanimously and was co-sponsored by eight senators…

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  • recently made history with the signing of Act 8185, banning the importation, sale and distribution of sunscreen containing the “toxic 3 Os” of oxybenzone, octinoxate and octocrylene in the territory, protecting coral, marine life and human health.
  • La suscripción es GRATIS.
  • The legislation, which passed unanimously and was co-sponsored by eight senators….


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Editor jefe de asignaciones

El editor jefe de asignaciones es Oleg Siziakov

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