Respuesta de Londres Heathrow al fallo judicial de Heathrow Runway

Respuesta de Londres Heathrow al fallo judicial de Heathrow Runway
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Plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport have been ruled illegal by the court of appeal because ministers did not adequately take into account the government’s commitments to tackle the climate crisis. The ruling is a major blow to the project at a time when public concern about the climate emergency is rising fast and the…

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  • The ruling is a major blow to the project at a time when public concern about the climate emergency is rising fast and the….
  • Plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport have been ruled illegal by the court of appeal because ministers did not adequately take into account the government's commitments to tackle the climate crisis.
  • La suscripción es GRATIS.


Acerca del autor.

Juergen T. Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz ha trabajado continuamente en la industria de viajes y turismo desde que era un adolescente en Alemania (1977).
El Encontro eTurboNews en 1999 como el primer boletín en línea para la industria del turismo de viajes global.

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